How To Use Microsoft Windows For Your Business

Some tips on how to get the most out of using Microsoft Windows for your business.

Whether you are looking to improve your log aggregation or simply wanting to update your business software, Microsoft Windows is probably the answer. Microsoft Windows is the operating system most commonly used by businesses across the world, and with good reason. It has earned its reputation as one of the most powerful, stable and versatile operating systems available, allowing you to run all manner of programs and applications on your computer without fear of them interfering with one another or running slowly. If you are using Microsoft Windows for your business, here are some tips on how to get the most out of it.

How to use Microsoft Windows for your business

Get started with the right apps

The good news about PCs and Macs is that they generally run every app you’ll need. The bad news, however, is that you have hundreds of thousands of options—so how do you choose? If you’re new to business or are planning on purchasing a computer mainly for work, keep it simple. You probably won’t need more than two apps: one for writing (such as Microsoft Word) and one for a spreadsheet (such as Excel). But if you want to be strategic about your apps, there are a few others worth considering. For example, OneDrive has quickly become one of the best productivity tools. It allows you to access all your files from any device—no matter where you left off. And when used in conjunction with Microsoft Word, which allows users to create documents (online and offline), it makes working with colleagues much easier. Additionally, Dropbox allows users to store their files in an online space so they can access them from anywhere at any time. This means that even if someone accidentally deleted something from their hard drive or laptop while at work, they can still recover their file later on by logging into Dropbox remotely.

Make it easy with shortcuts

Shortcuts are a fast and easy way to perform common tasks in Windows, saving you time and giving you more control over how your desktop operates. There are tons of shortcuts that can be used on any version of Microsoft’s operating system. You can find out about most through a simple Google search.

Stay organised with templates

These days, there’s an app (or 10) for just about everything. And if you need to perform business tasks, odds are that there’s a corresponding app available in Windows Store. The apps can be used on both your desktop and tablet devices. After launching, use Cortana (Microsoft’s virtual assistant) to help find more apps that meet your specific needs. To get started with Cortana, just click or tap on Ask me anything when you first sign into your device after installing Windows 10. Don’t worry: She’s friendly and only wants what’s best. When it comes to templates, try creating them using Microsoft Word Online. It’s easy-to-use and has many of Word’s features built right in. Once you’ve created a template from scratch or by editing one of Office Online’s sample templates , save it as a file (.docx). You can then open up any compatible Office app on your PC and insert the template by clicking File > New > Document > Recent Templates.

Learn about Windows Store apps

You’re an entrepreneur. You want your company to succeed, right? Well, then it’s time you start thinking about all of your different customers. Do you just cater to individual buyers? Well that could work, but if you want to grow your company (and we hope you do), then it might be worth considering catering your product or service to businesses as well. By understanding how companies use their mobile devices and applications in business environments, you can better build technology that helps them accomplish their tasks. And one way to learn more about what they need is by looking at how they currently use software. With over 100 million commercial licences sold worldwide, Microsoft Windows is a great place to start. In fact, many companies have adopted a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy—meaning employees are allowed to bring their own personal computers into work and connect them with corporate networks.

Take advantage of Office 365

Office 365 is a subscription-based service that gives you access to all of Office’s best features in one place, accessible from anywhere. If you’re switching from an older version of Office or jumping on board with your first version, you can get a professional to help get you up and running by showing you how to set up your account and integrate it into your business’ system. 

Run Macros in Excel

If you’re not familiar with macros, they are essentially actions that allow you to automate a series of steps within your computer. For example, if you want each time a file is saved on your computer to ask if you want to send an email update on its progress, Macros would do that automatically each time a document is saved. Macros can be used in conjunction with office programs such as Word and Excel. If you don’t know how to create macros in Excel, find someone who does and get them help creating one so that next time data needs updating and/or added onto a document it’s done automatically for you. Macros are invaluable tools for any business professional who works primarily from their computer.

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